ROPES Webinar Series: Women in Peacebuilding and Diplomacy in the Middle East

Women all over the world are often the first victims of armed conflicts, and yet they are often poorly represented in diplomacy and negotiation teams. These days, more and more women are demanding their rights to influence foreign policy, negotiations, and peace-building, and we will discuss related challenges, goals, and opportunities in the Middle Eastern context.

The panelists of ROPES Webinar "Women in Peacebuilding and Diplomacy" in the Middle East" discuss the possibility of involving women in peace negotiating teams, defense systems as well as sphere of diplomacy and peacemaking in the region.

The participants - Anat Saragusti - Journalist and peace activist (Israel) and Karima Rhanem - President, International Center of Diplomacy (Morocco) stressed the importance of involving women in Peacebuilding and Diplomacy and offered specific ways to increase their presence in diplomacy and peace negotiations through legislation, actions of civil society and education.

Ksenia Svetlova, ROPES Executive Director, moderated the webinar.


ROPES-AGSIW Webinar: Is a U.S.- Brokered Deal Between Israel and Saudi Arabia Possible?